This has been the season of Epiphany… a time to reveal who Jesus is and week by week we have been doing that… But have we noticed the moments of transfiguration along the way?… This contemporary reading takes us back over the season and reminds us of those places we have met and learned something sacred… and have been signposted to who Jesus is… When we realise what has been happening… the way God does things... perhaps we see not revelation, but revolution…
(After each stanza a symbol is offered, but still looking for one for the encounter with the leper - any ideas?)
Not on a mountain-top
but by the Jordan
we saw the glory of God
It was a revelation
as the Messiah
showed himself
not as being set apart from all of us
but being baptised as one of us
God beside us
God one of us
this everyday epiphany
is revolution
(bowl of water)
Not on a mountain-top
but by a sea shore
we saw the wonder of God
It was a revelation
as the one from God
found us fisher-folk
and called us
not the theologians
but the workers
to catch the world
and bring it into the kingdom
this everyday epiphany
is revolution
Not on a mountain-top
but in the synagogue
we saw the greatness of God
It was a revelation
as his words filled us
and called us
with an authority
we’d never heard before
enough to heal the demon possessed
and transform the faith
into a living
inspiring word
this everyday epiphany
is revolution
Not on a mountain-top
but in quiet places
we witnessed the grace of God
It was a revelation
when we sought Jesus
and found him alone
needing the quiet space
to be himself with God
a Messiah
in prayer
seeking direction
this everyday epiphany
is revolution
Not on a mountain-top
but by the lepers side
we found the brilliance of God
It was a revelation
that he declared the leper clean
out-with the temple authority
but with his own authority
born in a grace
rather than power
that transforms life
in a single ‘Yes!’
this everyday epiphany
is revolution
(bandages or chains???)
Not on a mountain-top
by on the roadways of the world
glory is found
This is a revelation
that Jesus has been revealed
not in mighty cathedrals
but on the roadways of life
amid all who leave footprints
in the dust and stoor
of everyday epiphanies
This common revelation
is heaven’s revolution
(bread and wine)
bandages to represent those confined by infirmities and/or chains for those held down with depression or mental problems.
Or a large stone for those weighed down with problems of the world, just struggling to live their lives.
Posted by: anne | Saturday, February 18, 2012 at 22:36
I'm from the United States and in the last verse you have written the word stoor. I would like to know what this word means? I have never heard of it. Common Epiphanies made me think of the transfiguration of Christ is a different way. Thank You for sharing it.
Posted by: Linda Harnish | Thursday, February 28, 2019 at 01:43