An all-age invocation (or just a wee statement of faith) for Pentecost linked with 1 Corinthians 12:3-13
Women Pulpit Side: One Body, Many Parts
Women Lectern Side: One Spirit, Many Gifts
Everyone Downstairs: One Body, Many Limbs
Everyone Upstairs: One Spirit, Many Lives
wiggle your Fingers
Like our fingers, the spirit is creative
working to build something new
spending time shaping details
and with imagination, always recreating
creative spirit
come and renew us
Women Pulpit Side: One Body, Many Parts
Women Lectern Side: One Spirit, Many Gifts
Everyone Downstairs: One Body, Many Limbs
Everyone Upstairs: One Spirit, Many Lives
wave your hands
Like our hands the spirit holds and shares
holding those who have fallen
and sharing with those who are needy
spirit of justice
come and help us hand out God’s love.
Women Pulpit Side: One Body, Many Parts
Women Lectern Side: One Spirit, Many Gifts
Everyone Downstairs: One Body, Many Limbs
Everyone Upstairs: One Spirit, Many Lives
wiggle your ears
Like our ears, the spirit listens
for the cry of the silenced
and the call of the earth
for renewal and rebalance
spirit of listening
come and teach us to listen
Women Pulpit Side: One Body, Many Parts
Women Lectern Side: One Spirit, Many Gifts
Everyone Downstairs: One Body, Many Limbs
Everyone Upstairs: One Spirit, Many Lives
tap your feet
Like our feet, the spirit is always ready for adventure
to new places and new people
a journey that seeks to find God in every place
travelling spirit
come and helps us move our feet
Women Pulpit Side: One Body, Many Parts
Women Lectern Side: One Spirit, Many Gifts
Everyone Downstairs: One Body, Many Limbs
Everyone Upstairs: One Spirit, Many Lives
whisper ‘pentecost’
Like our voices, the spirit speaks:
truth into power;
love into hate;
peace into war;
always ready to sing the song of freedom
in every language of the world
come spirit
clear our throats and teach us to sing
Women Pulpit Side: One Body, Many Parts
Women Lectern Side: One Spirit, Many Gifts
Everyone Downstairs: One Body, Many Limbs
Everyone Upstairs: One Spirit, Many Lives
stand up, sit down
Like our whole bodies, the spirit is restless
agitating for movement
to be found where God’s works needs to be done
come spirit
make us restless again
Women Pulpit Side: One Body, Many Parts
Women Lectern Side: One Spirit, Many Gifts
Everyone Downstairs: One Body, Many Limbs
Everyone Upstairs: One Spirit, Many Lives
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